More often than not I don’t know what I’m doing; what direction I’m headed; what path I’m supposed to be following; what is right action or even more important…right timing.
Recently someone told me I was a visionary. While I was totally discounting this in my brain she said: “well you ARE so you might as well own it. And since you are one…what does it mean to you? Don’t think just tell me.” And these words came:
No expectations
Faith in the mystery
Then, from that wise “little voice” that we all have in our belly:
“Trust who you are. Trust where you are. Your next stop will come to you in the silence. Guidance will come in the silence. Give yourself solitude and silence. Be still and fucking be with it!” I’m serious. That’s what I heard.
This truth. This has been my experience. It is always truth. So I stare at the ancient Maple tree or the water or the mountains or I walk a labyrinth or simply sit in my favorite rocking chair and day dream. All silent invitations for the truth and direction to come to me.
Sacred guidance is available to all of us…in the silence, surrender and awareness that we are not in control…that we all need help from the divine and each other.