Spiritual, Emotional, Energetic and Physical Healing, with Victoria,
is an exhilarating, and transformative experience. She is a lively and experienced teacher, healer, guide, counselor, story teller, mentor and . . playful, engaging public speaker. . .heart driven and caring.
Her lived experiences, personal work, decades of formal education, specialized trainings in13 modalities, compassion, common sense, humor. . .and. . . mentoring with Indigenous elders and shamans for over 45 years…
make Victoria the extraordinary, eclectic healer that she is today.
Victoria’s support was a beacon of light as I battled adversity in my life. I felt valued. She taught me to value myself more. She is a force to be reckoned with…a very positive one.
Phone: 206-755-3779 | Email: victoria@victoriaheemstra.com